7 Easy Steps
To add one of Jamie’s sermons, you’ll be adding a post.
There are 7 steps.
They’re easy…They don’t have to be done in order, but it’s simpler to explain that way.
Don’t worry, we’ll go through each step, one by one.
You’ll find Cut and Paste is your very good friend!
Where to Start
Before you start, take a look at Jamie’s Sermons
This page is a sort of sermon archive that shows all of Jamie’s sermons. The latest of his videos is at the top.
At this point in time, this is what the top line of his video page in Youtube looks like:
At the far right of that “first row,” you will see an image entitled “The Wicked Servant.”
We’ll use that sermon to explain how to enter on this site. Actually, that particular sermon is already entered in the Calvary website, but we’ll use it as our example.
Click on the entitled image of that single sermon and then you’ll be on a page that looks like this:
Here’s where you get your Information
The Youtube page
This YouTube page contains most of the information you need.
Now we start to add this Sermon
1. Add Title.
Back on the Calvary site, your first entry is the Title.
You’ll see it marked at .
On the Youtube page (see picture), you’ll see the title of the sermon is The Wicked Servant.
So just type that in.
It will now look like this:
We tell your site how to let Jamie’s video show to the viewer.
2. Add URL for Video.
Next is .
On the Calvary site, it looks like this.
That odd number in there is just to give you a clue what you need to enter.
On the Youtube page (see picture), you’ll see the url at the top.
NOTE: Each sermon will have a different number, but all you have to do is copy and paste.
For this particular sermon, it shows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-KPoM06qRE
All you need to do is copy the portion after the equal (=) sign.
Copy the D-KPoM06qRE from the YouTube page. Paste that number into the Calvary site.
You will now see this:
Add the Bible references used in the Sermon
3. Add Bible reference or references.
Next is — Bible Verses.
On the Calvary site, it looks like this.
Again, that odd number just tells you you need to put something in there.
After your entry, here’s what it will now look like:
Actually put in the verses, not just the references
4. Add Bible substance.
Next is – Bible Bundle. It is both a reference and the actual wording from the Bible.
This entry is a little different.
This puts in the actual wording of the Bible verse or verses — not just the references.
The idea is that a viewer without a Bible in hand, can see the verses as Jamie speaks.
To find these verses, you’ll have to go to another site.
It will be more copy and pasting, but it’s quick!
On the Calvary site, before you enter anything, the Bible Bundle field will look like this:
Get the wording of the Bible verses
4. Go to Bible Gateway
You will find the Bible verse wording on this site:
The part of the page that’s important to you looks like this when you first arrive at the site.
Copy the wording of the Bible verses from Bible Gateway
Enter the verse — and it’ll show you what you need!
You will enter the Bible reference where it says “Enter passage, keyword, or topic.”
Press ENTER.
Bible Gateway will display the verse wording you need.
Here is the example for The Wicked Servant sermon’s reference .
NOTE: We’ve highlighted the part you want to copy from Bible Gateway.
Paste the wording of the Bible verses into the Calvary site
Here’s the easy part…just paste
On , you will press the Add Reference button at the bottom of the field. (See image.)
Now, you will enter the Bible reference again, where it says “Bible Reference.”
You will paste the wording you got from Bible Gateway in “Bible Content WYSIWYG.”
Here is the completed entry for The Wicked Servant sermon’s Bible Bundle in the Calvary website.
Choose Series the sermon belongs in
5. Pick a Series.
On , you will choose the Series that best relates to the Sermon. There IS a way to add a new series, but we won’t discuss that here.
Here is the initial blank entry for the Series Entry.
Enter your choice of series
Here is the completed entry on our example of The Wicked Servant sermon in the Calvary website.
Enter your Featured Image
6. Pick a Picture!
Here is the initial entry on Featured Image at the bottom of a Sermon/Post in the Calvary website.
Featured Image, as chosen
Here is the completed Featured Image entry on our example of The Wicked Servant sermon in the Calvary website.
You can either download a picture from the web and choose that — or you can choose an existing one from the Media Library. Your choice.